Medical Ministry
When we arrived in Bingerville in 2000, we began trying to evangelize in the surrounding villages. They quickly informed us they had the Harris Churches and Catholic Churches and were not interested at all in another church.
Four years later, the Lord opened their hearts through the Urban Baptist Clinic of Bingerville. Upon the mayor of Bingerville's request, we ran this clinic for six years.
The Lord used the help of Dr Kadio Bernard and Nurse Practitioner, Kristine McLaughlin to treat hundreds of villagers. Our eyes were opened to the amazing way that He can use medicine to soften hearts for the gospel.
In the last fifteen years, the Lord has given us inroads to three of these villages because of medicine. We now are able to have adult Bible studies and childrens' Bible clubs every Saturday and Sunday.
Many adults are now attending the Bingerville church and are being saved on a regular basis.
The Lord expanded this ministry in 2017 through the ministry of Access. This ministry is run by Krisitne McLaughlin, MSN APRN to reach beyond our city to help other national pastors begin new works. It is such a joy to see our Bingerville members now join with Access and serve alongside medical professionals from around the US.
Together, twice a year we take trips into the interior to present the gospel one on one while treating the sick. Medicine has been a tool in His hands to bring so many to salvation here in the Ivory Coast.